Join the PTO general membership
Step 1: Fill out the Google Form to be an official Bridgeway Island PTO member. You’ll get voting rights in meetings and the chance to be heard.
Step 2: If you’re on a mobile device or non-ios computer, click here to join the BWI PTO Volunteer WhatsApp group. Get details about volunteer opportunities and in-the-moment support during and between events.
Step 3: Join a committee, use the following form to sing up to be a part of our committees. Committee leads will reach out.
Staff Appreciation Committee
Plans monthly appreciation things for the teachers and staff and keeps the staff lounge stocked with k-cups and sodas (ask for donations)
Work with Sunshine Committee (Ms. Ingram) to coordinate efforts
Some things we’ve done in the past: custom t-shirts, treats like caramel apple kits, cocktail/mocktail mix and gift card, catered lunch from Beach Hut Deli
Student Appreciation Committee
Plans gifts/giveaways for the students several times per year (e.g. Kool-aid packet and silly straw; sunglasses; candy)
“Fun Fridays” (i.e. first Friday of every month, hand out otter pops to the students after school)
Events Committee
This committee is led by the Events Chairperson (Tonya Whitson-Whennen). Your role would be to help brainstorm, plan, and execute after school events such as movie nights, dances, Field Day (bounce house obstacle course)
Fundraising Committee
This committee is led by the Fundraising Chair (Nicole Shearer). Your role would be to help plan and execute fundraisers such as the Boosterthon Bee Run, Read-a-thon, etc.
Inclusion Committee - Lead: Vacant
Supports the need to assure different campus communities (SDC classes, english learners, etc) have the access to PTO activities and events.
If you are interested in serving on the PTO Board of Directors, nominations open every spring. Check back accordingly!
Add our events to your Google or ios Calendar!