After School Art Class

A third art class is being offered in the Spring for 5th - 8th graders, all proceeds of these sessions will benefit the Bridgeway Band to help fund their field trip and other costs. Scroll down to see that option.

two class options, Open to Grades 1st to 5th*

Track A is open to grades 1st - 3rd** on Tuesdays

Track B is open to grades 3rd** - 5th on Thursdays

*Two tracks are being offered, each track is available to different grades

**It is recommended 3rd graders only attend one Track (A or B). Projects are similar in each track, however a bit simpler in Track A. The class is opened to 3rd graders in both tracks to accommodate CREST students.

$35 / Session

Limited to 20 spots each session

Click HERE to register

4 classes total for each session

Teacher: Lorraine Dersam, BWI Parent

band track, Open to Grades 5th to 8th

This track a fundraiser for the BWI Band Program. All proceeds will benefit the band spring field trip and others costs.

Track B is open to grades 5th - 8th on Mondays

Click HERE to register